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About Me

It all started with my dad's trucking company...

Voiceover Artist Stef Lambert

I've been in theatre since I was four years old. I've been performing on stage and on camera for most of my life but I chose to get into sales and marketing in 2018 and that's when I found my calling. I have an understanding of what a customer's needs are and being in sales and marketing is my jam.


But how did I find this specific niche? My dad has a trucking company and whenever I called him, his message sounded something like this...

"Yep, John here. You've reached Conveyed Aggregate. I'm not at home right now so leave a message after the beep".

Not at home??? You'd also hear his breathing and the background noise of a television. I asked my dad if he would let me record a message for him. Not only did it have a better sound quality, it tells his potential customers that he's a professional and cares about their impression of him. 

I'm so happy I could do this for him because now I do this for others. I truly love it. 

My versatility as a voice artist allows me to adapt to various styles, tones, and contexts, ensuring that my voice resonates with the intended audience across different platforms and mediums. Whether it's a reassuring message on a customer service line or a promotional video for a new product or service, my voice brings your brand to life and leaves a positive impact on your customers.

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